Practical info

Pricing: this service is free of charge
For who?: members of the AMS community which includes alumni and students

Registration: Registration is easy via the amsconnect platform.

This event is exclusively for AMS alumni and will require that you create an account on the AMS alumni platform. If you don't have an account on the platform, now is your chance to sign up and discover the exclusive benefits that you receive as an AMS alum.

Do you already have an account on the platform?
1. Log in your account here
2. register for the mentoring here

Are you new to the platform?
1request your account here
2. then come back on the mentoring page here to register

Mentor DOs 

  • Start out with clear agreements on frequency and mode of contact 
  • Commit to at least three hours of interaction, spread across the full timeframe. 
  • Take the initiative to build the relationship. 
  • Honor all appointments and set aside time for mentoring. 
  • Be flexible with meeting times, channels and venues. 
  • Maintain frequent communication through various channels. 
  • Respond to your mentee's emails within 2 days. 
  • Keep shared information confidential. 
  • Establish open and honest communication. 
  • Encourage creativity, independence, and self-confidence. 
  • Provide honest and timely feedback. 
  • Offer opportunities for discussion and questioning. 
  • Above all, listen. 

Mentor DON'Ts 

  • Avoid giving advice on everything—focus on areas of expertise. 
  • Don’t encourage dependence; foster independence. 
  • Share personal experiences only if they are constructive. 
  • Don’t be too busy for your mentee—communicate your availability. 
  • Avoid criticism; provide constructive feedback instead.

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