During the first weekend of May, we had the pleasure of welcoming back our '20 and '21 graduates during our AMS Comeback Days. Their time at AMS had been very much affected by the Strict COVID-19 procedures and they impacted the majority of us in one way or another.
Fast-forwarding from the social distancing times and daily online meetings, we were excited to see our graduates back at the Boogkeers during an Open House Apero, where we warmly welcomed them and raised many toasts under the nice tunes of a well-known Antwerp pianist: Toby Jacobsen.
The day after, we held a festive Gala Dinner for over 370 guests right in the heart of Antwerp. It was a joyous night filled with many activities, among which a congratulating speech by AMS Dean Prof. Dr. Steven De Haes to all present alumni, where he highlighted their achievements of resilience made during exceptional and uncertain times. True examples of our motto: "Opening Minds to impact the World". Despite being faced with challenges, our Alumni made an impact back then and keep doing so today.
Many Alumni who graduated during these rough years founded their own successful businesses and developed sustainable products with a positive impact on our society. These products were given to 10 lucky winners with the Gala Dinner Tombola! Funds raised from the Tombola were used to support these businesses.
We are also very thankful to our Alumni who took the stage and shared how their AMS experience went beyond their study years and are today still feeling the impact of their AMS year on their careers and networks.
Big thanks to:
Rutger Teurelincx, Consultant at Batenborch International
As a proud AMS alumnus, I have already noticed over the past few years that studying at AMS is an experience that connects alumni. It is the ideal icebreaker in any professional encounter. The nice thing about AMS, is that there is an extensive alumni network, with accompanying events. I definitely plan to attend these in the coming months and years, to meet new people, and make great contacts.
Mimi Lamote, AMS Alumni President
Together we strengthen the Alumni team. At the end of 2020 and 2021, you became part of the AMS Alumni network of nearly 26,000 members. Alumni can mean a lot to each other and to AMS. It is up to us to keep the community alive and to seek chances for lifelong learning.
Dirk Pauwels, SDG Chapter Lead
I want to reach out to you to join the AMS Alumni Chapter on SDG-Leadership. Covid might have receded, but the world is still turning upside-down. And the sustainability-emergency only grows bigger. So, there is work to do.
Kirsten Smets and Emmely Story, MIE Club leads.
Thomas Van Rompey, Founder of the Basil Business Club
We continued the night with a 3-course dinner on the tunes of a live Belgium band and had fun on the dance floor with DJ that made it impossible to sit still.
And last but not least, our photographer took some amazing shots. Find yourself on the pictures and share about our Comeback Days on your social channels. Don't forget to use the #AMSPeople hashtag and tag Antwerp Management School in your posts!
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