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Meet Loop! Busting the Stereotype that Earplugs Suck

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Earplugs suck! At least that what it used to be. At the celebration of the Antwerp Management School’s 15th anniversary, 2010 alumnus Maarten Bodewes, co-founder of Loop, spoke about shaking up global markets with a disruptive product that consumers love. The living proof that you can radically change a market!

Loop’s story is one of entrepreneurialism. Born out of friendship and frustration. 

Following a lively night out, best friends Maarten Bodewes and Dimitri O noticed a ringing in their ears. And it wouldn’t go away. It was tinnitus. Lovers of music and night life, they tested dozens of earplug brands available on the market. But none satisfied their criteria: Comfort. Sound quality. And appearance. 

In 2016, they took matters into their own... ears. And they founded Loop. Their goal? Empowering people to live life to the fullest.

Loop wanted to break the stigma surrounding hearing protection. Many people opt not to wear earplugs – which is a shame. Because they can help prevent everyday struggles like stress, migraines, hearing damage and even panic attacks. Meaning a positive impact on mental health. Think of them like sunglasses: you wouldn't think twice before throwing your shades on in the sunshine. 

That’s why we created the Loop Experience. They reduce decibel intake by 18-20 db using an innovative acoustic channel combined with a filter and membrane. To help people avoid sensory overload by reducing bothersome sounds. The sounds become more manageable, but voices and music remain crystal clear. 

Loop represents a major innovation in earplug technology. Out with the old (muffled sound, dated look and awkward feel). In with the new: earplugs that sound, look and feel great. 

The year 2020 was pivotal in the Loop story. The world went into lockdown. Live events and entertainment went into hibernation. And with them? Loops entire existing sales market. The result? 80% of the company’s turnover dried up. Enter: a major pivot. We engaged our community in conversation, and we listened. We sought new markets. And we changed course.

We expanded our focus to incorporate a broader range of use cases. These include people with noise sensitivity – turns out, the neurodivergent community is really big, and really cool! We also serve parents. And other people who need to be able to focus. Those who travel, live in big cities. Even motorcyclists.

We reinvented ourselves, and our sales exploded. We became profitable and self-sustaining in 2021. That’s when we also founded Loop America Inc. The New York Times has named Loop ‘the best earplugs for concerts.’ The company’s explosive growth has translated into Loops being sold around the world, with top sales in the US and customers in more than 150 other countries. And in 2022? We’ve sold over 1 million pairs of Loops – and we’ve got our sights set on the 100+ employee marker. And with plans to expand into Asia, Latin America and Australia, it’s safe to say Loop’s home-grown earplugs are quickly taking over the world.

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