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Antwerp Management School supports UNICEF Belgium

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At Antwerp Management School, we are following the Russia-Ukraine war from very closeby. We want to support UNICEF, given the huge impact of the conflict on children – the newest generation of leaders of and for the world.

We warmly encourage our students, alumni, customers, partners, friends and colleagues to support UNICEF in its mission, which is to give children the much-needed psychosocial care and protection in the affected areas. 

Important to know: 100% of the collected donations will actually be used for the financing of UNICEF-projects. By donating, you have the guarantee that 100% will be used to create a better world for underprivileged children. Furthermore, all gifts of 40 EUR and more will be granted a tax receipt.

Our gratitude lies with the UNICEF teams that are giving their heart and soul every day for this cause.

We want to thank everyone who is willing to do one’s bit by contributing. Each donation – small or big – matters. 

Antwerp Management School will match the donation goal of €5000, so together with all of you, we hope to reach a donation of €10000 or perhaps even more.

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